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Warrior Dose 30 Day Microdose Course

Buy your warrior dose and win an extra product

With every purchase over $50 you get extra product for free or discount on next purchase

Free Consultation

Customers Speak, We Listen - Warrior Dose

warrior Dose Macrodosing Journey Guide

Explore the remarkable healing powers and multitude of benefits offered by plant medicines through our informative website – The Plant Medicine Path.  Here you can also find an integration coach or explore other healing modalities.

Your Source for Micro & Macro Dosing Information

Explore the remarkable healing powers and multitude of benefits offered by plant medicines through our informative website – The Plant Medicine Path.  Here you can also find an integration coach or explore other healing modalities.

Every Sale Benefits the Shaneawana Tribe of Brazil

“By supporting Mamadose, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re making a difference. 6% of every sale
directly benefits the Shaneawana Tribe of Brazil, ensuring their rich cultural legacy thrives in our modern world.
Paving pathways for individuals to find healing. Together, we can champion indigenous wisdom and bring
transformative medicine to those in need. Your choice has power—use it to change lives.”

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